It's common knowledge that Genetic mutations (that are cancerous only if they transform proto-oncogenes; alias the genes that contain the information necessary for the cell's growth, reproduction and differentiation; in oncogenes; which go in mitosis at a dangerously high rate, thus duplicating the cell or cells without any regulation and possibly spread through the peripheral cardio-vascular system; or if they alter the Growth factors (GFs), which are a series of proteins that function like hormones: by stimulating and initiating the cell's growth or duplication; or if they block the function of inhibitors, which, like their name says, have the function of stopping the cell's or the cells' growth, reproduction or any other metabolic function that needs to be blocked) are caused by both pre-existing (like genetic predisposition) and chemical (excessive exposition to UV's, smoking, drinking, drug use ecc.) factors.
But often the masses tend to ignore another extremely common factor: high exposition to electromagnetic waves.
Usually this waves do not cause any kind of cancer (except ionizing radiations which include x and gamma rays or other high frequency wave lengts) but can still cause various problems to humans: more precisely the same waves that are emitted by electronic devices ( radio waves and higher waves on the spectrum) can cause (on the long run and if the male gonads, alias testicles, are directly and extremely close to these radiations) infertility. It's necessary specifying that modern electronic devices, as the opposite of the older and more outdated ones, take this factor in consideration thus they are built to avoid any possible injury of any kind.
So technically modern devices do not emit many harmful radiations, except for one single case: any device which was used to watch the entirety of this video. Already by the title, quote unquote "Gayest newgrounds animation ever made, EVER" it can be intuited that this precise piece of 3D, beautiful, inspirational, majestic and motivational piece of art made in blender, containing cum, alias sperm or semen, the Grinch, a beloved fictional character from the kids book "how the Grinch stole the Christmas" that was later adapted as a movie, which will be, again quote unquote "frontpageforsure", even if for now is still only an underdog, is actually an extremely well programmed and elaborated Trojan that managed to infiltrate in the entirety of, alias Newgrounds, alias Ng, and to then enter in the devices of the users that watched this contemporary piece and then constrict said devices to emit a new, undiscovered, electromagnetic wave: the endocrine status related mutation inducing wave, for short ESRMIW. By causing a genetic mutation in the genes and the organs with the function of producing the sexual hormones, which seem (but is still not scientifically approved nor completely sure) to be related to sexual orientation. More precisely this video would cause a diminution of the production of testosterone in male subjects, thus making them more attracted to the same sex and apparently also turning heterosexual females in lesbians (both of these were minutely and accurately experimented by the undersigned by rigidly following the experimental system).
In conclusion this graceful animation is indeed the gayest animation of Newgrounds, if not the most homosexual and homoerotic piece of media ever existed in the history of humanity, not by containing homoerotic subtext but by literally being the beacon and irradiator of homosexuality itself, surpassing the social sphere and directly influencing the hormonal and genetic sphere tanks to the creator's great knowledge in biology and technology.
I deeply apologize for my English but especially for this squalid buffoonery.